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Heroes on the Move Port Elgin Sports Camps & VBS

Heroes on the Move is a unique Christian faith and fun-filled day camp experience for children aged 6-12, operating in Port Elgin since 2007! 


Our days at camp begin and end with large group Rallies with singing, music, puppets and a Bible lesson. For the remainder of the day, campers rotate with their huddle groups (by age and gender) to practice their sports skills, go through the VBS rotations (crafts, games, music, etc) and swim in the Centennial pool.


Our Camp Staff are screened volunteers who have chosen to give a week of their summer to help bring this camp to the community.


It is possible through a partnership between local churches (Shoreline Baptist, Port Elgin Missionary) and Bay Leaf Baptist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina.


Location: The camps will once again be based out of Saugeen District Secondary (SDSS) in Port Elgin, from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

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